Client: Modale
Modale is an events company based in Brazil. The company used to have another name KAS, but a new name was needed. For this reason, I worked in a whole project of branding, from the name itself to the logo and collateral.
I started the task by building a name for it, and for doing so I used a base in the Latin language. Latin is the base language for Portuguese, so the roots and radicals of the words can carry meanings for the speakers. For this reason, native Portuguese speakers can kind of understand Spanish and Italian, for example.
The name derivates from the word "Motalare", which means development and evolution. By changing the T for D, I achieved a pronunciation similar to "módulo" which is the Portuguese word for "module". The module is considered the atom, the smallest part of their projects, and they assemble modules to create the environments for their clients. I polished the pronunciation from "MoDalare" to "Modale" after doing a series of tests, such as in phone calls.
The visuals for the brand followed this concept: a small module that could be developed into an environment. I decided to follow an isometric grid, and I specifically selected a typeface that followed the same principle. The idea is that it's possible to build any element from the brand modules as if they were lego bricks.
Below is a video to show the transformation for their clients, and also some applications and collateral examples.
Modale website can be found here